Welcome to the Luna Framework

A work-in-progress CSS framework designed by Sky Enterprises

Sky Enterprises was founded in 2017 with the goal of creating the technology of the future, today. Some technology that has long been considered 'science fiction' and 'decades away' is slowly becoming more prevalent in today's world. Self-driving cars, advanced AI systems and the dawn of a new space race are some examples of technological developments that are launching humanity into a new industrial revolution, the biggest one yet.

Test Link
Test Link with Arrow

Form Demo

This is a demo of a form with floating inputs.

Pre & Code Block Example

.nav-icons img {  // Your image/icon css
    width: 25px;
    height: 25px;
    filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%);           // Prepended filter
    filter: invert(40%) sepia(89%) contrast(109%);  // Filter